

記得前一段時間看到FB有學弟開始問起了Cigarettes After Sex這個樂團的演唱會門票,當時我是完全沒聽過這個樂團啦,出於好奇心之下去找了一下相關資料跟音樂,整個大為驚人!他們成軍於2008年,音樂風格屬於ambient pop(夢境流行樂?蛤?!),很多首歌都穰人有點飄飄然的感覺,有點像迷幻搖滾不過樂風更加的輕柔,真的跟團名非常呼應,雖然身為魯宅界霸主的我是完全不知道後菸是什麼感覺啦。今天要跟大家分享的是,K.,相信就是歌詞中的Kristen的縮寫,歌詞敘述到原本沒有情愫的炮友,開始慢慢發現自己腦袋裡魂牽夢縈的都是她。這可是魯宅小弟怎麼樣都不曾體會的事呢!出於冒險犯難的科學精神,當然要了解一下到底歌詞裡在賣什麼藥。



[Verse 1]  
I remember when I first noticed that you liked me back


We were sitting down in a restaurant waiting for the check 我們坐在餐廳裡等待帳單送來
We had made love earlier that day with no strings attached 更早之前我們一絲不掛的做愛
But I could tell that something had changed how you looked at me then 但是從當時你注視我的眼神裡,我發現有些改變
Kristen, come right back 克莉絲汀,快回來
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed 我一直在等妳,溜回被窩裡
When you light the candle 當你點完蠟燭
[Verse 2]  
And on the Lower East Side you're dancing with me now 在下東城區你正與我翩翩起舞
And I'm taking pictures of you with flowers on the wall 我談論著你的照片掛在這鮮花點綴的牆上
Think I like you best when you're dressed in black from head to toe 我認為你一身從頭到腳的黑色裝束美極了
Think I like you best when you're just with me 我認為你只陪伴在我身邊時候美極了
And no one else... 不再有其他的人
Kristen, come right back 克莉絲汀,快回來
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed 我一直在等妳,溜回被窩裡
When you light the candle 當你點完蠟燭
[Verse 3]  
And I'm kissing you lying in my room 我親吻著躺在我房間的妳
Holding you until you fall asleep 擁在懷中直到你入睡
And it's just as good as I knew it would be 正如我想的一般美好
Stay with me I don't want you to leave...


Kristen, come right back 克莉絲汀,快回來
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed 我一直在等妳,溜回被窩裡
When you light the candle 當你點完蠟燭

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